CRC final meeting in Bonn
The CRC final meeting will be held in Bonn from June 3-5, 2024. For more details, see
The meeting was a great success, for some impressions see [fotos].
All participants very much liked the location, the excellent organisation and the format of the meeting, that featured review talks on the main topics in the CRC.
The rector of the University of Bonn, also gave his assessment of the impact of the CRC 110. For the structural developments in Bonn, he listed three major achievements of this CRC:
First, it was instrumental in keeping the field of hadron and nuclear physics alive due to the extremely competitve environment in the department of physics & astronomy.
Second, the CRC 110 was the seed of the new CRC 1639 NuMeriQS "Numerical Methods for Dynamics and Structure Formation in Quantum Systems'' (Speaker: C. Urbach).
Third, the CRC 110 was also of prime importance for the excellence cluster initiative "Color meets flavor'' (with U. Siegen, TU Dortmund, FZJ), which is presently in the final review stage.

Shan-Gui Zhou new director of the ITP
We congratulate our PL Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou for his appointment as director of the ITP. We wish him success for this new task.
Humboldt research award for 2 CRC PLs
We congratulate Professors Jie Meng (PKU) and Bing-Song Zou (ITP/CAS) for being awarded the prestigious research award from the Humboldt foundation for their achievements in nuclear and hadronic physics, respectively.
CRC meeting in Rizhao (China)
The 7th CRC meeting of the Chinese nodes will be held in the city of Rizhao, China. For more details, see
There will be two general overviews by the two spokespersons, followed by progress reports of the Chinese PLs, a progress report on project B9 delivered by the German spokesperson and talks on hadron and nuclear physics by external collaborators and CRC students/postdocs.
Two events organized by CRC PLs
Machine Learning approaches in Lattice QCD - An interdisciplinary exchange 27 February 2023 to 3 March 2023 Institute for Advanced Study of the Technische Universität München
Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory, Bad Honnef Physics School, July 9 - 21, 2023, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Particle physics academy and training program for high school teachers 2022
In 2022 the CRC presented for the fifth time its four day particle physics academy for high school students (with 19 participants from 10th to 13th grade). As venue served as in all previous years the Science College Overbach in Juelich, which provides an ideal environment since housing, lab and lecture hall are all on site.
The program contained overview lectures as well as lectures on current issues in nuclear and particle physics - always with special emphasis on theoretical aspects which was very much appreciated by the participants. In addition, we presented demonstration experiments to illustrate the theoretical concepts and visited the COSY accelerator and the super computers at the research center Juelich. Moreover, we offered three projects to the students: In the first one they got a chance to get in touch with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, in the second they learned how to simulate numerically the trajectory of the planet Mercury (including its perihelion motion) and in the third they discussed requirements of a scientific approach to philosophical issues like the anthropic principle. The feedback provided by the participants was extremely positive.

Book on Effective Field Theories published
Effective field theories are an important tool in almost all projects of this CRC. Two PLs of the CRC, namely Ulf-G. Meißner and Akaki Rusetsky, just published a book on the foundations and applications of effective field theories in the light quark sector of QCD, see the Cambridege University Press website
and see also the fifteen-eightyfour blog of Cambridge Univ. Press
Lattice 2022 in Bonn
The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory took place in Bonn from August 8 -13. 2022, chaired by our PL Carsten Urbach. For more details, see [].
New position for Danny van Dyk
Dr. Danny van Dyk, co-project leader in A.11 "Hadronic transition form factors from analyticity"' has taken a permanent position at the IPPP Durham (UK) as of August 1st, 2022. We wish him good luck for this new period in his life. The collaboration with Bastian Kubis and students in A.11 will, however, continue.
Physics Show Musical
The Bonn Physics Show with support from the CRC-110 has created the world wide physics show musical, integrating live song an orchestra with live performed physics demonstration experiments. The show explores in a playful and musical way what is required for life on a planet. The article gives the full script of the show, the lyrics and also explanations of the 15 experiments, as well as a set of photos from the live performances. For more details see
Pineapple Science Award
Physicists of the university of Bonn have found out why beer mats don't fly flat like a frisbee and published a scientific study in July 2021. Dr. Johann Ostmeyer, Christoph Schürmann and Prof. Dr. Carsten Urbach from University of Bonn have received the Pinneapple Science Award in the physics category.
Please find the link to the university webpage
A short history of the CRC
In a series of talks on sino-german collaborations, organized by the Konfuzius-Institute Bonn, Ulf Meißner gave a talk about the genesis, developments and perspectives of our CRC (link).
Maxim Polyakov deceased

We grieve the untimely death of Maxim Polyakov, an esteemed colleague and friend. In the CRC, Maxim was successfully leading the project B.1 "Partonic structure of nucleons and nuclei'' (together with Yubing Dong). A more detailed obituary can be found here []. Our thoughts are with his family and relatives.
NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant for CRC researchers
We are pleased to announce that two PIs of the CRC, Prof. Feng-Kun Guo (ITP/CAS) and Prof. Xu Feng (Peking University) as well as the former CRC postdoc, Prof. Wei Wang (Jiao Tong University, Shanghai), have obtained the prestigous National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2021. In fact, three particle and nuclear theory grants went to the CRC this year.
ERC Advanced Grants for CRC PIs
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded two CRC PIs with the prestigous Advanced Grant (AdG). In the 2019 call, Evgeny Epelbaum was awarded an ERC AdG for his proposal "Nuclear Theory from First Principles" (NuclearTheory) [link1]. In the 2020 call, Ulf-G. Meißner received an ERC AdG for this proposal "Emerging Complexity from Strong Interactions" (EXOTIC) [link2].
New directorships for CRC PIs
We congratulate our PI Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou, who has become vice director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Also, Ulf-G. Meißner took over the directorship of the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, after serving for 12 years as vice director.
Joint SCNU/Bonn/Jülich postdocs
The Institute of Quantum Matter at South China Normal University (SCNU) has three joint postdoctoral positions available in strong interaction physics (hadron and nuclear physics). The postdocs are expected to spend half of their time at SCNU in collaboration with Prof. Qian Wang. For the other half of their time, the postdocs will visit either Bonn University or Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, where they are expected to work in the groups of Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner. For more details, see
Third funding period approved
The DFG grants commitee has approved the funding of the third period, see the DFG website
and the press release from Bonn University
This funding period will start January 1st, 2020 and ends June 30th, 2024. As new project leaders we welcome Xu Feng (PKU), Marcus Petschlies (Bonn) and Fernanda Steffens (Bonn). We also warmly thank Johann Haidenbauer, Mei Huang and Ping Wang for all their work done in the first and second funding period. Finally, we look forward to continuing this extremely fruitful collaboration.
Status of the 2nd FP and towards a third one
Due to the corona pandemie, the review of the application for the 3rd FP in February was cancelled. The second FP was extended until the end of 2020. The review for FP3 will take place in September (for a funding period from 1.1.2021 to 30.6.2024).
The achievements of the second FP and the outlook for the third FP are documented in form of posters, see
Four day particle physics academy and training program for high school teachers
In 2019 the CRC offered for the fourth time its four day particle physics academy for high school students (with 25 participants from 10th to 13th grade) as well as a one day training program for high school teachers (23 participants) on the same topic. Venue for the former was as in all previous years the Science College Overbach in Jülich, which provides an ideal environment since housing, lab and lecture hall are all on site.
After having provided already a teachers training program in Jülich, Munich and Bonn, this year it was offered in Bochum. Both programs contained overview lectures as well as lectures on current issues in nuclear and particle physics always with special emphasis on theoretical aspects which wasvery much appreciated by the participants. In addition, we presented demonstration experiments to illustrate the theoretical concepts.
In the course of the particle physics academy we also offered three projects to
the students: In first one they got a chance to get in touch with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, in the second they learned how
to simulate numerically the trajectory of Mercury and in the third they discussed requirements of a scientific approach to philosophical issues like the anthropic principle.
For both programs the feedback provided by the participants was extremely positive.

The weak decay parameter of the Lambda hyperon revisited
The weak decay parameter of the Lambda hyperon is an important quantity for the extraction of polarization observables in various experiments.
The value endorsed by the PDG and accepted and used for over 40 years is 0.642(13). However, last year the BESIII Collaboration reported evidence that it could be almost 20% larger, namely 0.750(9)(4).
Now a group of physicists including CRC members from projects A.1 and B.11 has made an independent estimate for that quantity, using an extensive set of polarization data measured in kaon photoproduction and utilizing constraints set by spin algebra. The value found in this analysis is 0.721(6)(5) and thus confirms the BESIII conjecture that the decay parameter is significantly larger than the previously accepted value.
For details, see
More awards for CRC researchers
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Qian Wang was awarded a grant for "The 1000 Talents Plan for Young Professionals" and Prof. Yu Jia was awarded "The NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant".
Dr. Feng-Kun Guo was rated as "Excellent" in the final review of the CAS Hundred Talents Program in 2019, and was awarded Hu Jimin Education and Science Award by the Hu Jimin Education and Science Foundation and the Chinese Nuclear Physics Society.
Prof. Evgeny Epelbaum has been elected a 2019 Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Prof. Qiang Zhao was awarded a Wu Youxun Prize, and Prof. Shi-Lin Zhu was awarded a Wang Ganchang Prize by the Chinese Physics Society.
Hadron 2019 Conference & Hadron Physics Summer School
The 18th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON2019) is to be held in Guilin, China, in the period of 16-21 August, 2019. For more information, we refer to the workshop webpage .
It will be followed by a small-scale Summer School on Low-Energy Strong Interactions to be held at ITP, CAS, during 24-28 August, see
Book on Nuclear Lattice EFT published
As a major outcome of the work on nuclear lattice effective field theory in the projects B.6 (first funding period) and B.9 (second funding period), a monograph was just published by Timo A. Lähde (associated scientist) and by Ulf-G Meißner in the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics Series as volume 957 (May 2019). For a review in Physics Today, see

Quarkonium 2019
The 13th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium will take place at Cavallerizza Reale, Torino, Italy, in May 13-17, 2019.
For more information, details and registration we refer to the workshop webpage.
Full professorship for Feng-Kun Guo
We congratulate our PI Feng-Kun Guo (ITP/CAS) who has been promoted to full professor, based on his great scientific contribution to the CRC.
Towards a third funding period
After long discussions with the NSFC, we finally got the green light for the application of the third funding period for our CRC. This is largely based on the successful collaboration and the many interesting results obtained since the CRC started in July 2012.
Performances of Bonn Particle Physics Show in 2018
On March 16th and 17th, 2018, we performed the Bonn Particle Physics Show in the Wolfgang-Paul Lecture Hall of Bonn University. Both performances were sold out (2x 550). On March 19th, upon invitation of Prof. Matthias Neubert, the director of the MITP (Mainz Institute of Theoretical Physics), we performed the Particle Physics Show in the Mainz Staatstheater (see photo). This performance was also sold out. It was an amazing experience to perform in such a professional theater.
From Sept 17th-21st, we were guests of Professors Gui Rebelo and Gustavo Branco at Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon. We performed the Particle Physics Show in the main physics lecture hall. Guests included the president of Tecnico, Professor Arlindo Oliveira, as well as the president of the Portugese Physical Society, Prof. Maria Teresa Peña. In Lisbon we also held a workshop in public presentation of science for the local particle physics students.
This trip was partially supported by EU-COST Action CA15108.
From Sept 21st-25th, we were guests of the IFT Madrid (Institut of Theoretical Physics). We performed the show three times in the Caixa Forum, a wonderful museum in downtown Madrid. Our host was the director of the IFT, Prof. Angel Uranga. Again all three shows were sold out (3x 420).
- The Physics Show team in Mainz Staatstheater with Prof. Matthias Neubert
Distinguished Scientist Award for Ulf-G. Meißner
The highest award within the CAS President's International Fellowship Program (PIFI), the Distinguished Scientist Award, was bestowed upon Ulf Meißner for the year 2018. [link to the Uni Bonn website] Connected to this prize was a lecture series on "Strong Interactions'' that was held at the ITP on April 26-28, drawing a sizeable crowd.
CRC Workshop - Amplitudes for Three-Body Final States
Three-body hadronic decays of heavy mesons and the tau lepton are important tools for studying both meson-meson strong interactions and weak dynamics in a wide energy range, from pi-pi threshold up to the B-meson mass around 5 GeV. With the recent increase of experimental precision achieved by LHCb, BESIII, COMPASS, and in the near future by the Belle II experiment, data require more refined theory-based amplitudes in order to interpret the underlying dynamics. In this context, our workshop will join theorists and experimentalists in order to discuss different issues concerning final-state interactions in amplitude analyses in three-body decays of hadrons and leptons. The format of the workshop is meant to offer a fruitful environment for discussions and exchanging issues and developments among experimentalists and theorists. We want to favor the interplay between both sides in order to arrive at productive conclusions.
For more information, details and registration see the webpage.
Review on ''Hadronic Molecules'' published
Six PIs from Beijing, Bonn and Jülich published a review article on the
topic of ``Hadronic Molecules'' in Reviews of Modern Physics. This article
gives a detailed account of the theory of such exotic states and its
application to the hadron spectrum, as investigated within this CRC
and at many other places world-wide. The close analogies to
few-nucleon systems are also discussed, showing once more how the
quest for understanding the emergence of structure in QCD ties
together hadron and nuclear physics. It is also a nice showcase of
the intense and fruitful sino-german collaboration. For more details, see
More awards etc to CRC researchers
Prof. Mei Huang (IHEP) was awarded the "The NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant" which is the most prestigious and competitive grant from NSFC for individual researchers below the age of 45.
Andria Agadjanov (Univ. Bonn) is the recipient of the 2016 "Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preis'' for his thesis on "Hadronic Electroweak Processes in a finite volume''.
Dr. Jordy de Vries (former CRC 110 post-doc) will take an assistant professor position at UMASS/Amherst in 2018.
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Qian Wang was awarded a grant for "The 1000 Talents Plan for Young Professionals" and Prof. Yu Jia was awarded "The NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant".
General meeting of the CRC at Peking University
The first general meeting of the CRC 110 in the second funding period took place in the School of Physics at Peking University from August 29 to 31, 2017. The meeting consisted of short review talks about the scientific and the outreach projects by the German PIs (with the a few exceptions) complemented by talks from Chinese students and Post-Docs, that gave more details about certain subprojects. All except 3 German PIs and all Chinese PIs took part in the meeting, in total, there were 105 participants [photo]. This early meeting served to get to know each other better and to start or deepen the sino-german collaboration. In addition, 6 Chinese reviewers and two high-level persons from the NSFC were present. Altogether, the meeting left a very positive impression as already quite a number of interesting results have been obtained after just 13 months of the second funding period. For details, see the webage
Emmy-Noether group associated to the CRC
We are very happy to announce that the Emmy-Noether Junior
Research Group "Anomalies in semileptonic b decays as
antennas of New Physics'' by Dr. Danny van Dyk (TUM) has
been associated to the CRC 110. A link to the pertinent
website will be available soon. We look forward to collaborating
on this exciting topic.
President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI)
For the third time since 2015, Ulf-G. Meißner has been awarded a Visiting Scientists Scholarship under the CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI), this time to perform investigations for about a month at IHEP (the two earlier PIFIs awards were linked to the ITP).
CRC Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics and Threshold Phenomena
The CRC workshop on Nuclear Dynamics and Threshold Phenomena will take place in Bochum, April 5-7, 2017.
For more information,details and registration see the webpage.
Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy (PWA9/ATHOS4)
The workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy
(PWA9/ATHOS4) will take place in Bad Honnef near Bonn (Germany) from March 13 to 17, 2017. The web site of the workshop is now open at
JOINT FGZ-PH Summer School on Methods of Effective Field Theory & Lattice Field Theory
The JOINT FGZ-PH Summer School on Methods of Effective Field Theory & Lattice Field Theory will take place in Garching, Forschungszentrum, June 26 to July 7, 2017.
For more information, details and registration we refer to the webpage.
Quarkonium 2017
The 12th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium will take place in Beijing, China, Peking University, November 6-10, 2017.
For more information, details and registration we refer to the workshop webpage.
Symposium "Advances in Effective Field Theories"
At the symposium "Advances in Effective Field Theories",that took place at the Forschungszentrum Jülich from November 7 to 9, 2016, the world's leading experts on effective field theories in the areas of hadronic and nuclear physics presented their research. This also served as a CRC meeting in these areas. A special focus of the symposium was on the numerous contributions Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner has made to these fields. He was awarded the Lise Meitner Prize earlier this year. On the second day of the symposium Prof. Meißner received the medallion and diploma associated with the prize.
Second funding period approved
The DFG and the NSFC have approved the second funding period for the CRC in June. It will run from July 1st, 2016, to June 30st, 2020.
The CRC has been extended. We have two new nodes, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, and the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. The number of research projects has increased from 13 to 18 (without Z-projects), with an increase in PIs from the German side from 14 to 21 and 10 to 13 on the Chinese side. We welcome all the new PIs and look forward to intense collaborations in the years to come.
EPS Lise Meitner-Prize for Ulf-G. Meißner
The 2016 Lise Meitner prize of the European Physical Society for outstanding work in the fields of experimental,theoretical or applied nuclear science was awarded to Ulf-G. Meißner for "his developments and applications of effective field theories in hadron and nuclear physics, that allowed for systematic and precise investigations of the structure and dynamics of nucleons and nuclei based on Quantum Chromodynamics''.
Physikshow (Physics Show) in China

From March 15th to March 23rd, 2016 Prof. Herbert Dreiner and the Bonn Physikshow travelled to Beijing, to train local Chinese physics students in show physics. The Bonn University team consisted of seven physics students (Jana Bürgers, Timo Heepenstrick, Katharina Hortmanns, Christian Jost, Johannes Müllers, Steffen Schaepe, Laura Weber) as well as Michael Kortmann, the technician responsible for the extensive demonstration experiment collection in Bonn. In a short 5 day workshop we trained fifteen Chinese physics students from the Institut for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as from Peking University (PKU) to put on their own show in Chinese. The workshop ended in a public show at PKU put on by the local students in Chinese and using local equipment from the PKU collection. About 150 Chinese high school students attended the show, which was a huge succes.
In a blog post on the British newspaper Guardian’s website, Prof. Dreiner tells the story.
Clustering in hadrons and nuclei
The program "Clustering effects of nucleons in nuclei and quarks in multi-quark states" took place at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, from March 28 to April 22, 2016. The program consisted of daily talks and discussion sessions. It was partly organized by members of the CRC.
For more details see the webpage
Ab initio alpha-alpha scattering
Researchers from project B.9 have performed a
ground-breaking work on alpha-alpha scattering
using nuclear lattice simulations. This work
was published in Nature, see
Meeting in Jinan

The "International Workshop on QCD Exotics" was held in Jinan, China, on 8-12 June, 2015. The meeting was hosted by Shandong University and jointly organized by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong University, and by members of CRC 110.
Awards to CRC researchers
Prof. Qiang Zhao (IHEP) was awarded the "The NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant" which is the most prestigious and competitive grant for individuals below the age of 45.
Dr. Feng-Kun Guo (Bonn) was awarded the grant for "The Thousand Talents Plan for Young Professionals", one of the most prestigious grants in China for researchers below the age of 40.
Dr. Wei Wang, former postdoc in the CRC 110 (Bonn), now assistant professor in Shanghai, Jiao-Tong University, was awarded the grant as well.
Six VENI-grants for young talented physicists: The NWO (Dutch organization for scientific research) has awarded six young physicists a prestigious VENI-grant. These physicists are part of a larger group of 161 researchers that can develop their scientific ideas in the upcoming three years. A VENI-grant corresponds to an amount of maximally 250,000 € and is one of the financing methods to stimulate young scientific talent in the Netherlands.. Dr. Jordy de Vries (FZJ) was awarded the grant for his proposal "Heart of Darkness: Unraveling the nature of Dark Matter".
Dr. Qian Wang was awarded “The Excellent PHD Thesis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015 ” which is the most prestigious award to CAS students.
Visit of the NSFC president (Oct. 2014)
On October 2nd, 2014, Prof. Wei Yang, the president of the NSFC, with a delegation of high-ranking NSFC officials together with representatives from the DFG visited the CRC 110. The CRC 110 was introduced by Ulf Meißner, who gave a status report and also laid out the ideas for the second funding period (pdf). Feng-Kun Guo gave a personal perspective why such collaborations are needed (pdf). The president promised to increase the funding of the Chinese side by 50% for the second funding
Present Status of the Nuclear Interaction Theory
The program "Present Status of the Nuclear Interaction Theory'' will take place at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, from August 25 to September 19, 2014. The program consists of daily talks and a variety of introductory lectures given by world-leading experts. It is partly organized by members of the CRC.
For more details see the webpage
Quarkonium 2014
The International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium 2014 will take place at CERN, on November 10-14 2014.
For more information details and registration we refer to the workshop webpage
CRC 110 workshop, Weihai, China
The general meeting of the CRC 110 took place in Weihai, China, from July 25 to July 29, 2014. The meeting place was the Shangdong University Academic Center Hotel, next to Weihai's International Beach. The meeting consisted of talks by german students and post-docs on the status of the various projects, a midterm review of the contribution form the Chinese PIs and talks from prospective new PIs for the second funding period (FP 2) as well as associates of the CRC. Also, a road map for FP 2 was worked out and a meeting of the board of the CRC took place. From the Chinese side of the CRC, we had 9 PIs, 4 post-docs and 24 students participating. From the German side, there were 9 PIs, 9 post-docs and 10 students. Various associates of the CRC, Chinese reviewers, invited guests as well as NSFC representatives were also present. In total we had 56 Chinese and 32 German participants. There was ample time for discussion and recreation on the beach.
Updated Agenda CRC Workshop Weihai July 25th to July 29th, 2014 (as pdf)
MoU for common graduate education with IHEP signed
As a first step for a common graduate education, two MoUs were signed between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bonn University and the Institute for High-Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (as PDF). The signing ceremony took place on March 21st. The photo shows Prof. Yifang WANG, the IHEP Director and Prof. Ulf Meißner, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, after signing as well as members of the CRC and IHEP officials. The first common graduate student is Dr. Martin Cleven, who was co-supervised by Prof. Christoph Hanhart (FZJ), Prof. Qiang Zhao (IHEP) and Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner. See also the news on the IHEP website (link).
Mini-Workshop on B -> pi pi Semileptonic
A one-day mini-workshop (02/21/2014) on B -> pi pi l nu decays was organised at the HISKP (Bonn), with talks on the experimental status as well as various theoretical methods, and ample discussions on future collaborations between the members of the CRC and external guests. A list of the talk titles can be found here
Micro-Workshop on Strangeness and related topics at ECT* Trento
A two day workshop on strangeness and related topics took place at the ECT*, Trento, Italy, consisting of 5 review talks and one round table discussion on open topics in hyper-nuclear physics. The talks can be found on this page.
Carsten Urbach appointed as W2 professor
We are happy to announce that Carsten Urbach has been appointed as W2 professor for Theoretical Physics in the HISKP, succeeding Hans-Werner Hammer, as of October 25th, 2013.
Hans-Werner Hammer has moved to TU Darmstadt
Hans-Werner Hammer has moved to TU Darmstadt as of August 1st, 2013. We wish him good luck at his new work place. Hans-Werner Hammer is still involved in projects A.3 and B.1.
Presentation of the CRC 110 to funding agencies
On Thursday, June 27th, a delegation from the DFG, the NSFC and various other asian funding agencies visited the HISKP to learn about the CRC 110. Two introductory talks were given by Ulf-G. Meißner ``Introduction to the CRC 110'' and from Feng-Kun Guo ``Why do we need the CRC 110 - a personal perspective''. Various issues of funding projects between the different countries were discussed. This informal meeting just preceeded the first anniversary of the CRC 110 on July 1st, so it gave a good opportunity to assess what has been achieved so far.
GPU Cluster QBiG started operation
Beginning of June the DFG funded GPU cluster QBiG started operation in the HISKP at Bonn. It comprises a total of 48 newest generation NVIDIA GPUs with an integrated peak performance of 56 TFlops in double precision and 168 TFlops in single precision. The infiniband network allows for efficient parallel execution and a fast connection to 70 TByte of available RAID disk space.
Christoph Hanhart has been appointed as "APL Professor"
Christoph Hanhart has been appointed "außerplanmäßiger Professor" at Bonn University starting May 10, 2013.
Bastian Kubis appointed as W2 professor
Bastian Kubis has been appointed as a fixed term W2 professor at the University of Bonn starting March 1st, 2013.
Workshop on Threshold Phenomena
April 27th to 28th 2013 the CRC will organise a workshop on threshold phenomena in Beijing, China. Please find details of the workshop and the registration page on the workshop web-page!
Micro-Workshop on Strangeness and Nuclear Physics
A workshop on strangeness and nuclear physics (mostly projects B.5 and B.7) took place at TU-München from October 25th to October 26th, 2012. See the workshop page for more details. [October 2012]
MoUs signed

As a first step for a common graduate education, two MoUs were signed between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bonn University with the School of Physics of Peking University (as PDF) and the Insititute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (as PDF). (in the photo from left: Yu-Gang Wang (Deputy Dean School of Physics, Peking Univ.), Qifeng Zhou (President Peking Univ.), Jürgen Fohrmann (Rector Bonn Univ.), Ulf-G. Meißner (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ. Bonn)) [September 2012]
Further News
- Professor Bingsong Zou appointed acting director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) [July 2012]
- First CRC workshop took place at the Kavli institute for Theoretical Physics (KITPC) from July 2nd to July 6th. [July 2012]